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2 comentários:
Hey, I just recently found your work and it's fantastic, especially this Final Fight comic - I've wanted to see something like this for half my life! Could you please re-share the english version? I don't read portuguese so well :)
You can leave it as soon as possible I will post again. Too bad I do not have it now to post. But next week it will be ON. Wait. >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Pode deixar que assim que possível eu posto novamente. Pena que não tenho ele agora para postar. Mas semana que vem estará ON. Aguarde.
ola! para quem esta visitando o meu blog sinta-se a vontade para ver todos os conteudos disponiveis! ate mesmo se quiser pegar alguns desenhos para colecionar ou usar em seu forum ou blog tambem!
na opção (arquivo do blog) você pode explorar e ver a quantidade de postagens ja feitas e pode entrar em alguma postagem para ver seu conteudo!
hello! for those who are visiting my blog feel free to view all content available! even if you want to get some designs to collect or use in your forum or blog too!
the option (file blog) you can explore and see the number of posts already made and you can get in a post to see your content!
2 comentários:
Hey, I just recently found your work and it's fantastic, especially this Final Fight comic - I've wanted to see something like this for half my life! Could you please re-share the english version? I don't read portuguese so well :)
You can leave it as soon as possible I will post again.
Too bad I do not have it now to post.
But next week it will be ON.
Pode deixar que assim que possível eu posto novamente.
Pena que não tenho ele agora para postar.
Mas semana que vem estará ON.
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